Let’s start from Monday, I think that was my most rebels’ day ever, coz I didn't go to school for no reason..... oh wait I did, I wanted to watch the Grammy’s at 9 a.m. (it was live from America that’s why) lol yes I skipped class for the Grammy’s, sigh, what to do when you love music....... ahaahahaha
And then we have today, V-DAY!! yes. To me, V-day is not only for two but also for friends (especially when you single like me, hehe) I bought for my class chocolate, and I think they liked it, heeheehee :) Anyway I wasn’t expecting anything back from anyone, but I got a Kinder Bueno and a Lollypop :) Thank you Eleanor, Gracia, Daniel and Serena :)
And one more thing, on this day of love, lets spread the love to those who's not as fortunate, like those with AIDS in Africa. Go to www.joinred.com to find out how you can help.