anyway despite being sick on Friday, I went to catch Dreamgirls and boy was it good, even my friend who didn't want to watch it at first came out saying it was a fantastic show. especially Jennifer Hudson's performance was exceptionally good. and when she was performing "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going", I swear I heared snuffles all around, even I was teary eyed after that :P damn glad I got the soundtrack, and I'm gonna get the DVD when it's out :)
offered to cook for them today, no wait, it was my mom who offered me to cook for them today, I cooked against my will haha :P but it wasn't that bad today, I kinda had fun. damn tired now.
oh and one of my favorite artists Natasha Bedingfield will be releasing her new single "I Wanna Have Your Babies"(weird title I know, but its good) on the 16th of April followed by the new album on the 30th of April :) You can listen to her new single on my myspace via a player under my "music" section. Then you can pop by her myspace as well. I've added her on my top 24 :) check out her new album cover

cool ain't it, real edgy and I really like it.
and I've just realise I'm using a lot of emo-cons on this post :P
k I gotta run, my mucus is falling :P