Thursday, November 27, 2008

all alone in the moonlight

memory is a funny thing isn't it, like a neutral agent. it keeps all your happy memories and replays it back for you to relive. but then there are some times when it just reminds you of something totally random and it just makes your day feeling disheartened.

like one of those happy memories, but something happened, and it ended not so delightful.... and your memory just flashes it just like that, and your day just goes downhill from there... then as a bonus it reminds you of other sad stuff just for fun.

if only we can store what we want and delete what makes us unhappy, like a computer. but then again thats life for you... so many questions you can't find the answer for, so many moments you hoped would turn out in your own way.

damn..... I don't really like it when I whine... =[

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Choice

People's Choice Awards
Go to

so ya... vote won't you?