How bout that, getting all excited about seeing Daughtry and ended up listening to them from the outside, how fucked up is that!! the doors open at 7 and I was there 6.55, AND APPARENTLY ITS NOT EARLY ENOUGH. I was damn close to entering man, how close was I, I was FUCKING close, FUCKING CLOSE!! that's how close!!! AND HOW FULL CAN IT BE! if you let people enter even after you say its a full house? A FEW AT A TIME?!?!?! why do you let them enter if it's a full house??? then what about those who were next in line?? those people can enter and I can't?? if you were going to allow people entry even after the showcase has started, then you shouldn't drag!!!
And my line was freaking long can, imagine after waiting in such a long line and coming so close to entering and DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!
I'm not mad, I'm frustrated!!
and I really wanted to see them.............................