hello, well I'm blogging again coz I'm just sitting in front of my screen bored out of my mind.
so last Thursday I got to catch TRANSFORMERS IN 2K DIGITAL!! boy they weren't kidding when they say it was better visual and sound quality, I was blown out of my mind, and the visual effects, when the autobots transformed was mind blowing, totally awesome. I can't wait for the sequel, and hope the story line would be better. but all in all, I think one of the best action movie this year.
then on 7/7/07, Live Earth! damn did you get to catch it?? yes I'm passionate about it, ANSWER THE CALL!! lolz, I tell you it's ridicules the little changes we can do to help the environment and stop global warming.
oh and I was channel surfing and I switched to kids central and it happened to be airing Blue's Clues! haha classics. anyway I was just wondering what ever happen to "Steve" so I went online, and I found out that he's now actually in a rock band, and I was laughing at the irony of someone on a children's show would be in a rock band, oh and I saw this pic on his myspace page

which I think is so cute, his old shirt from BC, a little stuff toy off him and sitting on the "thinking chair" and can you believe thats the same "Steve" which sang with a blue dog... haha I know it' a little random.
well that's all, till the next post