hey hey, I just got back from a short holiday in Malacca and it was....... ok, the nights are cool, the mornings are kindda cold and the afternoons feels like walking in an oven, it was scorching hot man, haha, but it was kindda fun, at least I got to get out of the country for a while. and I will have another trip to another part of Malaysia in June and I'm kindda excited for that, hahahaha, will include details next time.
anyway the short trip to Malacca was good, 'cept for the burning heat in the afternoon, lol, I got two tops for like 8 bucks $ing each lah, effing cheap, and we got to see some sea turtles (2 to be exact, lol) and they were absolutely precious little creatures (ok they were not that little, haha)

well that was my weekend, hope you guys had a good one too =)