oh and because I changed the template I kindda lost all the links, erm so if I didn't link you yet sorry ar(rely on the links to much lah then I don't really remember the url =P)
though I added "American Idol Bobble heads" as you can see lah, so you can have a little fun if you find reading bout me bloging bout my daily life is not interesting, at least got something to play =P my fav two guys and girls...
anyway went to watch Fracture with Amalina, Daniel and Mean on wed... not really good lar, was tiring to stay awake during the start of the show, then through the mid it got better, then it was kindda good, Anthony Hopkins was scary man.... Ryan Gosling was good also, but I think I like that diamond-horse shoe shaped ring more. LOL =)

not gonna review all of them coz it'll take forever....
kk that's all, shall try to blog more often =)