Next is the three new CDs I got. They are Dreamgirls The Original Soundtrack, The Wreckers and Mario Vazquez. Fisrt up, the Dreamgirls Soungtrack.
The Dreamgirls Soundtrack is very nice, it has that '60s '70s Motown feel to it and the songs are great. The actors/singers bring out the soul of the song; you wanna move to the up beat songs and cry listening to the ballads. Speaking of ballads, the bit of this CD which is totally worth my $21.95 is that Jennifer Hudson who plays Effie White is one of them singing in the soundtrack. Her voice is simply beautiful and soulful, no matter if it's her up beat "I Love You I Do" or her heart-reanching "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going", it's simply DEVINE!! She has such a huge voice that she can totally nail those high high notes, and if you listen to "It's All Over" you can hear that she is a FANTASTIC actress as well and if you can tell that by listening, imagine watching her, she totally deserve that Golden Globe she won. She makes Beyonce seem like a small fry (and I'm sorry for saying that but it's true). I'm totally gonna watch Dreamgirls when it come out on 22nd FEB, if not it's to watch Jennifer Hudson. I don't think I need to tell you which are my favorite songs on the album huh. Well here's a pic of the cover.

Second is The Wreckers album Stand Still, Look Pretty. The Wreckers are Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp; you should know who Michelle Branch is. Stand Still, Look Pretty is also a great album; Jessica Harp's and Michelle Branch's voices harmonize like two birds in spring, beautifully. The album is a good blend of Pop and Country, another great harmony. Lyrics are beautiful and somehow catchy, but it's not your usual Pop kinda catchy. They have songs you can sing along too and songs which are very lyrical. First single "Leave the Pieces" was beautifully written and catchy enough to keep you listening. The first 7 songs have a Pop element to it so it's easy to listen too, after that they get more Country and it won't sound like what you here on the radio, but still great to listen. Title song "Stand Still, Look Pretty" gets you into the more country sound but still you wanna sing along to it and the lyrics to me is the best on the album, though it's only bout 2 min 45 sec long. So my favorite songs are "Leave the Pieces", "Tennessee" and "Stand Still, Look Pretty". Here's the cover.
Lastly but surly not the least is Mario Vazquez. I got his album a few weeks ago but never had time to post an entry on it, plus my laptop broke down remember?? Ok so Mario Vazquez, he's the guy who dropped out of American Idol Season 3 remember, but I'm glad he did, coz I don't think his album would sound like it dose if he had continued or won it. His album mixes a blend of Soul, RnB and Latin sounds which actually is very nice. He has a very soulful but also a little raspy voice which is unique and works to his advantage. His First Single "Gallery" melts hearts with its lyrics and Mario's voice, it was release much earlier so I think you have listen to it before and agree with me. And he doesn’t stop there, songs like "One Shot" and "Just a Friend" will also totally melt you with its lyrics and of coz Mario's voice. He ups the beats a little to songs like "I Bet" and "Everytime I..." and he'll make you move to his dncefloor hits like "Cohiba" and "She's Got Me". And I have to say that there is some thing 'bout South Americans that I just can't resist, heeheehee, and nor will you, if you need proof just find me and I'll convince you. Favs on the album are "Gallery", "One Shot", "Everytime I..." and "I Bet". Here's the cover.
Ok on the next topic. Last week I joined a contest for Prison Break AND I WON!!!!! I won two tics to watch the premiere of the Prison Break season finale at The Cathay. And I tell you I got totally high after the whole experience. If you feel very excited and always on the edge of you seats everytime when you’re watching it at home, IMAGINE IT ON A BIG SCREEN, PLUS SUROUND SOUND. When all you see and hear is Prison Break, you feel like your a part of the whole thing, it's a totally trippin and different experience, I still have not shaken off this high I have yet. Oh and did I mention I'm gonna be on TV, heeheehee, I was one of the interviewed after the show and I was so excited!! AHAAHAHA, one of the reasons I'm as high as I am. I'm pretty sure I'll be on and I think it'll air 2mr after the ep of Prison Break. Be sure to catch ah!! heeheehee. I got a pic of the stub. Limited Edition can't be bought anywhere, heehee.
And now to my finale topic, I went to my lecturer Brian Gothong Tan's "Signs Omens and Relics of Faith" interactive multi-channel video installation (long ar) today and it'll be to much work to type out how I felt 'bout it so I'm not gonna. If you want you can find me and I'll tell you. In short it makes really you think and I feel it's very interesting, so kudos to you Brian, I really like it. I hope you can show some support, it's at 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road so you can pop by if you're going to ZOUK or Clark Quae coz it's quite near. It's till this Sun 4th of Feb.
Ok I'm off, got to do Brian's homework, heeheehee, have not started, haahaha....., sorry Brian, don't worry I will finish it. BYE!!!
[31th JAN]