and for the slow ones
Haaha ok sorry for the bad joke... heehee... It's 1.50 p.m. and I've just woken up.. went to my mom's god sister’s Christmas Eve party and it was great.. The highlight of the night was always the DINNER that my "cousin" prepares every year.. Her turkey is the BEST turkey I've ever tested ever and I'm not lying it's fantastic....but sorry I don't have a photo of it, forgot to take one...heehee. But I have a pic of the party though

Yea some of them were playing majong...
Then after the mahjong all of us played a drinking game, and I'm officially in the "Drinking Club" The dinking game is kinda complicated so I'm not gonna explain (then again if it wasn’t complicating then it won't be any fun rite) so I lost a few times at the start but I never lost after the third time..heeheehee
Had a cup of Vodka mixed with Ice Cream Soda and Orange Juice... then half a cup of red wine then a few more sips from my mom's VodkaIceCreamSodaOrangeJucie Mix...
We stayed till 3 a.m. and we left...and the rest you shd know
Well I'm off to a corner to sob bout the fact that NO ONE ask me out today on Christmas... So till then... I'll be at a corner depressed... BYE!!!!