Above is the project I did for a poster design. I'm actually really proud of it cuz I really believe in the massage I wanna put through......The massage may not be straight foward so if you want the low-down of wat tis poster is about, call me...........I'll explain my longwinded message behind tis poster....lol....if you wanna take a better look at the words on the poster, go to http://vincemusicfreak.deviantart.com and you can get a better look at it, along with many of my other works. Anyway we had to present it (the poster) in class today and I was so nervous that I forgot to say alot of things I wanted to say........and I'm so tempted to type it out here...but too lazy lah....heehee. Did this poster last night like in 5 hours........slept at 4a.m. and I wouldn't hv slept that early if I wasn't so tired when I finish it that all I wanted to do is lay on my bed for a short rest before thinking of what to say for my presentation..........and I woke up at 10 a.m. the next morning..........realizing that I left My Laptop, The Lights, Fan and Linksys not switched off. Good thing my mom didn't nag at me for it.......maybe cuz she knew how tired I was after I finish the poster...thanx mom......
Well tomorrow is water color painting........hope the paint will wait for me like it did last time.......haha..inside joke...sry....so till another time ppl...
Oh ya and don't forget to tag!!!!!! heehee :)