Saw this picture on my friend's blog the other day (I think he wouldn't want to be known anyway) and as you can see it says "Life's too short for the wrong job". So I commented that I agree with the tag line and he replied, and I quote, "i wonder why ppl say life is too short? what instrument do ppl use to measure short life?? how you know life is short or long? i always thought everyone's lives is constant and equal."
So here's my reply......I feel it's not how short or how long one's life is. I think it's quite the opposite, it's because we don't know how long or short our life is gonna be. Thus we feel that because of the uncertinty of life, we should do what we want and not weast on something we might regret "IF" we do have a short life. I guess thats why people say life's too short
Some music videos by some young artists
there are so many young music artist this days. to prove it here are some of them their age are in brackets